What is psychotherapy?

At some point in our lives, we all encounter emotional challenges. Psychotherapy offers support for persistent issues and patterns of behavior that may leave us feeling stagnant or adrift.

Research consistently demonstrates that one factor more than any other is associated with successful treatment: the quality of the relationship between the therapist and the patient. Psychotherapy focuses on the psychological roots of emotional suffering through self-reflection and self-examination, and the use of the relationship between therapist and patient as a window into relationship patterns in the patient's life. 

What happens in a typical psychotherapy session?

During sessions, I will encourage you to open up about your thoughts, listen deeply with an open mind, ask questions when appropriate, and work with you to identify patterns and themes. As we progress, we may also implement elements of somatic (mind/body) mindfulness and meditation. This is tailored to the individual and only incorporated if and when they feel comfortable to do so.

As children interact and communicate in ways very distinct from adults, when working with children I use play and other expressive ways to facilitate communication.

sofa lounge psychotherapist counsellor psychotherapy counselling relationships

NB: We will use the first four sessions to assess whether our therapeutic alliance is a good fit before committing to further work together. After this period, I will discuss with you the primary concerns to work on, and discuss whether we continue working on a long-term basis.